New DVD for Beginners of All age by Swami Ramdev Ji in English , Bengali , Gujrati , Tamil all in one DVD |
Description : This DVD contains Pranayams & yog assanas for beginners of all age.Seven Kind of Pranayams(A breathing discipline) demonstrated by Yog Rishi Swami Ramdevji himself, like Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, Bahya, Agnisar ,Anulom Vilom, Bhramri and Udgeet and methodology to practice them to cure all kind of ailments / disorders and to live healthy life. This DVD also features other useful pranayamas like Ujjai, Seetkari, Sheetli and other yogic practices.
Yog Asans postures discribes every methodology of Asanas to get rid of ailments like Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Obesity, heart disease, back ache, arthritis, and stomach disorders.
DVD also include special asans for all round development and growth of height of children besides the correct way of doing Surya Namaskar. .
Price : |
US$ 14.95 US$ 7.47 (Inclusive of shipping charges for worldwide shipment within 4 to 5 days from warehouse) 50% OFF for limited time (DVD Contains Origional Hologram) |
How to Purchase : |
You can pay online by clicking on the following link --> |