All ordered products are Shipped most probably after next working day .All prices, are inclusive of shipping charges of delivery by Registered Post, by S.A.L. Mail (By Air Mail between the country of origin and destination & rest by surface) by Indian Post to the following 39 Countries:
" UK USA Austria Australia Botswana Brazil Canada China Denmark Egypt Finland France Germany Great Britain Greece Iran Israel Italy Japan Kenya Malasia Mauritius Maxico Morocco Ntherlands New Zealand Norway Portugal Russian Fed. Saudi Arabia Seychelles South Africa Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand UAE UK USA Uzbekistan Zimbabwe "
For all orders received from rest of the countries mentioned above, the packets shall be sent by Registered Post, but by surface mail, at the same rates.
It may take 2-4 weeks or more or earlier, depending on the Postal Systems & Customs Clearances of both the countries. As the Tracking number is NOT being provided by Indian Post,so we are not able to provide you tracking number, but we can provide Registered Mail Receipt number issued by India Post (of Government of India) on request.
Returns Policy:
Orders once paid, cannot be changed or cancelled.
In case of delayed/ lost packets,we shall make efforts to trace the packets through the Postal Authorities. On request of customers the scanned copy of the Registered Mail/ Speed Post Receipt issued by India Post (of Government of India) shall be provided, which shall the conclusive proof of our having sent the items.
Please provide your complete postal address, with your orders.
In case,If packets are returned back to us, for any reasons, such packets can be re-claimed by buyers, only on payment of Shipping & Handling by the buyer, for the second attempt to deliver, as follows:
a) for delivery by Registered Post S.A.L. Mail (by Air Mail between the two countries) via India Post $ 10.25 USD, for the first 250 Grams & $5.25 USD for each additional 250 Grams or part thereof.
b) for delivery by EMS (Express Mail Service) by Speed Post via India Post $20.50 USD, , for the first 250 Grams & $10.25 USD for each additional 250 Grams or part thereof.
If the VCDs/ DVDs are not working at all, the same shall be replaced at our cost for re-sending by the same mode, while the buyer returns the items to us at his cost. But if the returned VCDs/ DVDs are found to be working properly upon testing by us, the same VCDs/ DVDs shall be returned to the buyers and buyer will have to pay us for the shipping & handling once again for re-return to the buyer. so It is in the interest of buyer to ensure that the VCDs/ DVDs are run on couple of different modes/ makes of VCD/ DVD players/ Multimedia Personal Computers etc., eliminating all the errors, by trial & error methods to know why the VCDs/ DVDs are not functioning. We supply only the original sealed packs, which contain the original Hologram of the respective copyright holders, VCDs/ DVDs are packed only after testing the same very carefully. Buyer should email & seek confirmation from us, before returning anything.
Please Note: There is seperate prices for shipment within India. Please send us your request through mail.We shall generate a invoice for that.